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Sentence with Multiple Clauses

Many sentences in English have more than one clause. First, I will explain the meaning of clause
The definition of Clause is

“A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb”

If there is a sentence with more than one clause, make sure that every subject has a verb and every verb has a subject. Then, ensure that the various clauses in the sentence are joined correctly. There are some different ways to join clauses.

Use Coordinate Connectors Correctly

When you have two clauses in an English sentence, you must connect the two clauses correctly.
In an English sentence, every clause must be connected into the other clauses correctly. There are some ways to connect clauses into the others. Here, I will explain about connecting a clause into the others with connectors like and, but, or, so, of yet.

Daisy is sleeping, and Anthony is watching movie.

Daisy is rich, but Anthony is poor.

Daisy must send the letter, or Anthony will do it.

Daisy gave money to Anthony, so Anthony is happy.

Daisy is exhausted, yet she do not drinking a cup of water.

In each of the sentences above, every clause are correctly joined with a coordinate conjunction and, but, or, so, or yet, and a comma (,).

Look at the example below:

In the example above, there are two clauses (a power failure occurred and the lamps went out).To join those two clauses, there should be a connector.

The best answer is (B), because “so” can connect two clauses.


·         Then, later, and next are not connectors, so answers (A), (C), and (D) are not correct. It is not suited to the sentence above.

Look at the following chart. The chart below lists the coordinate connectors and the sentence pattern used with them:


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