Have you understand what is the meaning of Adjective Clause? If you have not understood yet, I will describe it first.
“An adjective clause is a clause that describes a noun.”
Occasionally, adjective clause is positioned directly after the noun that it describes. Why? Why not before the noun that it describes? The reason is because the clause is an adjective. Now, have you understood it? :D
Now, please look at the example below:
The woman is filling the glass that she put on the table.
The glass that she put on the table contains milk.
In the first sentence above, there are two clauses. The first clause is “woman” that is the subject of the verb “is filling”. The second clause is “she” that is the subject of the verb “put”. That is the adjective clause connector. The word “that” joins these two clauses. The adjective clause “that she put on the table” describes the noun “glass”.
In the second example above, there are also two clauses: glass is the subject of the verb contains, and she is the subject of the verb put. In this sentence, “that” is also the adjective clause connector that joins these two clauses. The adjective clause “that she put on the table” describes the noun glass.
Now, please look at the following example: The example below shows how these sentence patterns could be tested:
Once again, you should notice that there are two clauses in the sentence above:
· gift is the subject of the verb was
· the verb selected needs a subject.
There are two clauses. So there should be a connector between them.
The best Answer is:
· Answers (A) and (C) is incorrect.
Reason: both of them have connectors, but there are no subjects
· Answer (B) is incorrect.
Reason: changes “selected” into a passive verb. In this case the sentence would have one subject and two verbs.
· The best answer is (D).
Reason: The correct sentence should say: “The gift which we selected for the bride was rather expensive”. In this sentence gift is the subject of the verb was. The word “we” is the subject of the verb selected, and also as the connector which joins these two clauses.
Now, please look at the following chart below:
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